Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nolan's Third Week

I am finally feeling a little more confident getting Nolan out and about. We had a great week! I can't believe he will be a month on Wednesday, time is flying by....waaaaayyyy too fast!

* Went to a doctors appointment

* Stretched out feedings to 3+ hours

* Made a trip to Bowling Green

* Went to a baby shower (our cousin's wife is due in December!)

* Had more visitors

* Kept his mommy and daddy up VERY late a couple of nights

* Had his first bath

* Still having tummy troubles

* Got to watch football on daddy's new t.v.


  1. That picture is so sweet.
    Hah, Your list of things you did this week sound so much like ours. :) New babies, so fun and sweet and exhausting.

    I know what you mean about getting these little guys out. I would feel allot more comfortable about it if our pediatrition didn't scare me half to death and basically tell me not to take him out anywhere. I figure if we are Really really careful than it should be fine. But we still haven't taken ours out anywhere. It will happen, I'm just a little paranoid.

  2. What a sweet little boy! Congratulations!
